Amrit Varsha (NGO) Cricket Academy

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Amrit Varsha

  • Created By Ravi Tripathi
  • Due Date 1008 Day Ago


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Great News: We are Starting the 1st Cricket Academy for underprivileged kids in Ghaziabad

My name is Ravi Tripathi and I’m the founder of Amrit Varsha NGO located in Vasundhara Sec-6

Amrit Varsha NGO, a 80G and 12A recognized not for profit organisation, is working continuously for the welfare of the underprivileged children from the slum area of Ghaziabad for 5 years.

We contacted different vendors to setup the field for these kids to practice. We got the below quotation. This is inclusive of the GST

Fund Requirement:

Practice  Net cage-  Pipe 1.5", Pole 280 sq.ft with premire & Green Paint  - Rs 30948

Practice  Heavey Green Net -  1560 sq.ft    3/24 - Rs 17024


Our sources of fund include:  individual contributors and self funding.

Of the total expense we incur every month, we have listed a part of it here. We have done this to avoid dual capturing of the same fund.  We want our bond to be stronger and we believe transparency is the only way to achieve.


Mr. Ravi Tripathi was awarded prestigious REX Karmaveer Chakra Award instituted by iCONGO and recognized by  United Nations in 2019 for his efforts in social work. He has also received many more recognitions for his efforts to uplift the underprivileged. He has been state level cricket player and coaching cricket for more than 15 years. He has also worked in eminent schools like DPS and Sumeet Dogra Academy.


We hope we have addressed most of your queries. In case you want to know more, Do visit us at our centre. We will love to have you here. You can also write to us

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Donation Details
0 Raised
47522 Target
Poles & Pipes
30498 Expenses
30498 Left
17024 Expenses
17024 Left

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